Motion And Forces, And What 3 Laws Of Motion

Motion and forces
and what 3 laws of motion

Motion is when an object moves and is in a new position. In physics, if an object is in a new position then it was in a state of motion. Forces are what causes an object to be moved or to change their state of either rest or motion.  

There are 3 Laws of Motion developed by Isaac Newton.

  • The 1st Law of Motion is the Law of Inertia that states that an object has a tendency to resist a change in its state, either in a state of rest or in a state of motion, unless another force acts on it or opposes it.

  • The 2nd Law of Motion is the Law of Acceleration that states that any force that causes an object to move causes the object to accelerate. A common meaning for acceleration is that "Acceleration is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass."  

  • The 3rd Law of Motion is the Law of Interaction which states for every action, there is an EQUAL and OPPOSITE reaction to the action done.

More about the 3rd Law:




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